I Wish.............

hurm....xtaw nk tulis ape sbnr nye ni...
diari ok kot...luahan prasaan...hehe~ (◕‿-)
hmm...u know what...kdg2 kn,i do wish nk ade bestfriend lelaki...
xtaw laa naper..nmpk cm best jew...
bleh share2 idea..u know laa,guy kn..
pemikiran diorg bkn same ngn kite..
totally different...
tp,2 laa yg best...diorg leh share bout guy..right..??
one more thing is,kalau dpt kwn baik lelaki yg sporting glerr & memahami plak 2..haha
gerenti best lah...
tp tu laa,mane laa i nk dpt kwn cmtu..
bkn nyer i ni jenis yg kwn sgt ngn guy ni,,,hehe
if there's any guy in my life,yg tu bkn pgkat sahabat laa...
pgkt atasan laa...
someone very2 special lah katekn.. ;-)
my dad,my brother...& also someone... (*^ -^*)
pape pn,i do wanna have a guy as my bestfriend,just like a guy having girl as their bestfriend...
wish me luck k...hehe~

and,last but not least...to all my bestfriends..
(there's too many to list it down here,i guess...mostly girls..)
i wish all the best for your future undertaking...
no matter what might happen in the future,u guys are one of the best treasures in my life..
i won't easily forget all of you... (‿‿─)

and to those who holds a special part in my life..
thanks for being part of my life...


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